Comment on Pacific Gateway Hospital - Portland, OR
written by:
Thomas J.
03/05/2013 11:50AM
I was born at Portland General Hospital in 1960 on april 5. I was adopted two we eks later. How could I find information on my biological parents. any assistance would be helpful. Thanks
Comment on Pacific Gateway Hospital - Portland, OR
written by:
Mary J.
02/11/2012 3:11AM
My son was admitted into the Pacific Gateway Hospital when he was around
16 or 17 years of age and he was diagnosed with bipolar, manic depression.
I am in need of some medical papers stating that was the diagnosis at that time.
Are there still record from 1986 or 1987 for patients that were in the facility at that time. His Name is Charles Edward Vasser Jr.
What do I need to do to get a record of his mental diagnosis.He is going through some rough times right now and he needs medication and the legal system wants paper work stating that this is a true diagnosis.
thank you
Mary Vasser Johnson
205) 425-2937