Comment on Daniel Memorial Hospital - Jacksonville, FL
written by:
Donald S.
04/25/2012 6:36PM
Good Afternoon; Because I have been using my phone extensively, I have run out of minutes. Should you desire to contact me, you may reach me via email or Skype: MrMillionaire.
Will you pass this to the most appropriate person? Thanks and God Bless! Committed to serving Health Care Practitioners (HCP) since 1998!
Through the years RTPR has formed a very special bond with those committed to providing effective non-evasive Health Care.
RTPR has developed a “Private Health Care Practitioners Suite”. This area allows RTPR to provide HCPs with information including:
Real Time Pain Relief Facts and Information
Real Time Pain Relief Promotional Materials
Real Time Pain Relief HCP Rewards Program
Real Time Pain Relief Private Shopping Area
Click Here to Join
Real Time Pain Relief is the only leading topical pain relief product that combines Herbal, Nutritional and Homeopathic ingredients to give your body soothing relief and help provide your body the necessary ingredients to heal itself.
When Menthol based products have little or no effect in relieving pain for many of your clients that is when you know you need Real Time Pain Relief.
Real Time Pain Relief is a unique product with an over 12 year track record that can help both your clients and help improve the bottom line at the same time.
Real Time Pain Relief is the only leading topical pain relief product that combines Herbal, Nutritional and Homeopathic ingredients to give your body soothing relief and help provide your body the necessary ingredients to heal itself.
Real Time Pain Relief is marketed primarily through independent merchants and health care professionals. You can carry our product with confidence that the big box store down the street will not undercut your prices...
Real Time Pain Relief is not sold to "box stores" and retail chains like Wal-Mart, Walgreens or CVS.
Consider this …There is no known "cure" for pain however; RTPR's Homeopathic TOPICAL formulation that is manufactured in an FDA monitored facility and works for people that have pain from:
Simple Back Aches
Muscle Strains
Real Time Pain Relief is offered in convenient Travel Packs for $1.50 which is a great way for your customers to try the product and see how effective it is. It is also offered in 4 oz squeeze bottles for $25.00. Most Health care Professionals start selling the Real Time Pain Relief Travel Packs and over time add the 4 oz squeeze bottles when customers request them.
Real Time Pain Relief Smells Great!!! THERE IS NO MEDICINAL, LINIMENT ODOR. Our product can be used along with a favorite perfume/cologne, making it a "must-have" product for socially active people who deal with chronic or occasional pain.
Rewards Program to earn you Earn Free Product for Resale!
Start increasing your bottom line, offer your patients a far superior pain relief product and begin earning Free Product for resale immediately!