Mesa Gen Hosp Medical Center, Mesa, AZ

Mesa Gen Hosp Medical Center

515 N Mesa Dr
Mesa, AZ 85201
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Phone: (480) 969-9111

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Hospital News

2013-11-14 04:40 - Now drug that can help astronauts ward off space radiation cancer

Scientists fed mice an anti-inflammatory drug three days before exposure to space-like radiation, and found that the animals developed 50 percent less carcinomas as mice that did not... [read more]

2013-11-14 04:40 - Sharp spike in thyroid cancer cases at Fukushima prefecture

The number of thyroid cases in Fukushima residents has reportedly gone up since August, according to the Fukushima Prefectural Government. The number of confirmed cases of thyroid... [read more]

2013-11-14 04:16 - Beyond Testing the Private Market

Affordable Care Act (ACA) will be if the plans offered on state and federal online exchanges are competitive with similar plans on the private ... [read more]

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