Frisbie Memorial Hospital, Rochester, NH

Frisbie Memorial Hospital

11 Whitehall Rd
Rochester, NH 03867
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Contact Info

Phone: (603) 332-5211

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Comments & Ratings

Comment on Frisbie Memorial Hospital - Rochester, NH written by: Korin A. 4 stars 06/25/2012 8:57PM I have suffered from night blindness since I reached the age of 15 and finally, I had it operated just recently, 3 months ago. This hospital has the best eye specialist and surgeon in the town! Since I started using their service, they have properly aided my eyes for almost 5 years and really dedicated to help me. On the surgery procedure itself, my doctor gave his best to make tit successful and most of all, to lessen the pain of the operation perse. I am now so fine and forever grateful to them. I got my eyes back! Never been so happy!

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Hospital News

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