Comment on Passavant Memorial Hospital - Chicago, IL
written by:
Carolyn J.
11/10/2016 7:48PM
I was born 4/15/1949 at Passavant. I had an enlarged thymus which was radiated to shrink it. Would there be any records of the treatment I received or dose of radiation. Dealing with Cancer now and it would be helpful to know.
Comment on Passavant Memorial Hospital - Chicago, IL
written by:
Herbert D.
12/03/2012 12:48PM
I was born at Passavant Memorial on November 30, 1962. I was wondering was there is a picture taken of me or any other information regarding my birth? My mother' name was Gladys Daniel. Maiden Name was Jacobs. My Father's name was James Daniel. Any information would be helpful. Thank you for your time.
Comment on Passavant Memorial Hospital - Chicago, IL
written by:
Carol S.
08/28/2012 10:49PM
i was a patient at the hospitial at age 14, having seizers,they ran tests i rember really bad headaches.I would like to find my records of my stay there and what my diagnois was.I'm a 62 year old women now and i would like to know. I'm concerned because my 35 yearold daughter is having simalar name at that time was Carol Jane Williamson, or it may be Carol Jane Wallace sometimes my mother used both names.One being my father and one my stepfathers. I think it was close to Christmas because the trees along the streets were lite with white lights.around 1963 or 1964. Please let me know if I can get my imformation.Thask you kindly Carol Jane Sprague
Comment on Passavant Memorial Hospital - Chicago, IL
written by:
Eula Johnson (Mount)
02/11/2012 3:40PM
I worked at Passavant Memorial Hospital on the OBGYN floor as a nurses assistant in 1973-74. I recently retired from the US Army Occupational Health Clinic, Sierra Army Depot, after 30 years of service for our country.
My time employed at Passavant helped launch my career in emergency medicine and occupational medicine.
I want to express my gratitude to the administration and staff of your prestigious organization for my employment at your hospital. Looking back, it was the best experience obtainable as a young women starting a career in medicine could have had. The staff was exceptional, professional, caring and compassionate.
I will be forever grateful!
Eula Johnson (Mouunt)
Comment on Passavant Memorial Hospital - Chicago, IL
written by:
Lisa D.
11/12/2011 1:53PM
Friendly staff, always willing to help and answered all my questions.
Comment on Passavant Memorial Hospital - Chicago, IL
written by:
Edward L.
11/11/2011 7:55AM
To Birth Archive
Notification of Birth Registration
I am making application for Swiss citizenship. One of the requirements is that I present a birth certificate which is less than six months old (I do not see the logic in this, but it is a regulation). I have the original certificate, but this will not do.
I was born in Passavant on the 25th of August, 1937, son of Edward D'Arcy Loring and China Robbins Logeman, 746 Robbins Terrace, Chicago. Birth... attended by Howard J. Holloway M.D.
If possible, I respectfully request a legally certified new issue of my birth certificate.
If this is not possible, I would ask you to kindly send me an official letter, stating that you are not able to issue such a certificate.
Necessary costs would paid by my brother, John Robbins Loring, born in Passavent on 23 November, 1939 of the same parents and now living in Florida.
I do not have a banking connection in the USA.
Thanking you for your attention in this matter,
Sincerely yours,
Edward R. Loring
Postal address: St. Alban-Anlage 57, CH-4052, Basel, Switzerland
Replys on this Comment
Reply by Edward R. Loring on 2012-02-04 17:31:57
My communication with Passavant was a legitimate request for a document or a legally acceptable statement substantuating an event which took place in Passavent Memorial Hospital, the sole instance able to provide the aforementioned document or statement. My communication contained personal information of confidential nature. While checking my standing in the Internet I chanced to find that you openly posted my personal and confidential communication on the Internet and thus in the public domain. Your action is in violation of both criminal and civil law. It brings considerable dishonor both on your institution and the American medical industry at large. As I am not a resident of the USA and shall never visit it again, I am unfortunately not in a position to bring charges against you. I can only say that you are a shame to the medical profession and to your country.
Edward R. Loring
Research Fellow with life tenure
Russian Academy of Sciences
Centre for Egyptological Studies, Moscow, R.F
& Russian Institute of Egyptology in Cairo, A.R.E.